Upgrade your analysis
Bringing it all together
The most complete analysis possible including NTMs – traditional methods risk missing crucial information
The highest possible accuracy regarding lineage, and first and second-line drug resistance
Confidence that the tool is credible and validated with minimal errors
Consistent, standardised criteria to identify mutations including alignment with the latest WHO catalogue
Future proof
Improved quality and productivity - end-to-end WGS analysis with insightful reports which save valuable bioinformatician and software engineering time
High Quality
- WGS analysis for the complete Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome
Species identification for 190 NTMs
>95% sensitivity and > 97% specificity for RIF and INH
Removes PII, so no sensitive information is uploaded into the cloud
A continuous improvement approach to pipeline development & maintenance
Groundbreaking analysis in minutes, not days
- Accurate analysis of up to 100 Mycobacterium tuberculosis samples per hour
Cloud-based, automated bioinformatics analysis pipeline improves quality & speed
Fast analysis with accurate and insightful presentation of results in minutes, not days